Club News

The latest news from the Club is that we are pleased to announce the succsessful move to our new clubrooms and to inform everyone of the GRAND OPENING of Rainhill MRC's new clubrooms... Details below, everyone welcome!


The Club is pleased to announce that there are three, yes three brand new layouts under construction in the club at the present time.

There is a hive of activity every Monday and Friday as the members of the club congregate around bare boards, or track plans on the floor...

The three layouts cater for all peoples tastes as under construction at the moment there is a 00 Gauge Modern Image Industrial Layout mainly being built by the Junior Section but always looking for help from the Senior Members.



As can be seen from the images above the tracklaying has begun although the final track layout is undecided. The layout is being wired as the track is being layed. The layout is hopefully going to be up and running for the March show, all being well.

The image shown below shows just one example of the stock that will be seen running on this layout

American N-Gauge Layout


The as yet, un-named American N Gauge Layout is being constructed from all new materials, with a great deal of interest from many members of the club, as this will be the first non-UK based lased layout.

As can be seen below the baseboard construction has been completed and all of the trackwork has been laid. The workers are now coming to the end of the wiring and are looking forward to starting the scenic detailing of the baseboards.

Our newest edition to the club is really still in the design stage, and details are sketchy, but baseboards are being constructed for the purpose of replacing the club's "OLD FAITHFUL" St. Ann's Central on the exhibition circuit. This layout has now gone into storage as work commences on the new 00 Gauge.

Discussions have taken place and several templates and pieces of track have been laid out on the floor, as the club brings their ideas forward for the brand new layout.

As can be seen below feverish work is being undertaken at the moment to construct baseboards, (lighter than those that had gone before, as some of the members are not getting any younger!!).

The Design (and Discussion Stage):

These baseboards being constructed and reinforced out of plywood, being glued and pinned. The top of the board being covered in chipboard.

A great deal of progress has been undertaken on the layout over the past few weeks with feverish tracklaying and wiring happening at the club, three nights a week.

The working title of the new layout is at the moment "AL's HALT" as a final name has not been arrived at yet.

All are happy with progress of the layout and seem to thrive on the challenges brought about by the introduction of the new club layout. This has increased the interest and involved some of the newer members in the construction of the layout.

Visit again soon to view the Progress on the Layouts and other Club News.